The follow up
I'm not sure that guys in general know the importance of the follow up phone call after a first date. Sure...all dates end with the line, "We should do this again sometime," but you never know if they mean it until the phone call. Personally, I would prefer the phone call while the guy is on his way home from the date, but, from Mr. C, the call came the next afternoon. Not bad....for a guy.
The beginning stages of dating can be exciting yet very nerve wracking. I find myself analyzing every gesture. "What did he mean when he said I looked different from my picture?" "He hasn't called me in 24 hours. Why does he hate me?" Of course, I do this with my friendships in the beginning too. It's the constant pull between "they love me....they love me not." The good news is, this stage doesn't last forever. I eventually gain a sense of security and relax in the fact that I have something to offer in the relationship and apparently the other person sees it too. Oh....and it's also good when I get to the place where I remember, it's NOT all about me. Sometimes when someone doesn't call, they are just busy! Imagine that!