Catching up
I'm sure that the few of you that read my blog have probably stopped, since it's been so long since I've updated it, but I've decided to let you all know that yes....I AM still alive.
Life after loosing Lannie was pretty tough for a while. It took me three weeks before I could walk into the house without crying my eyes out. I was honestly worried that maybe there was something wrong with me, but I found a few pet loss support web sites and found that what I had been feeling is pretty normal. It helped to know that. Grief is such a tricky thing, because I don't think you can ever really grieve about just one thing. A loss just reminds you of all the other losses you've experienced. It felt like someone took the top off the big bottle of sadness in my life and it was all coming to the surface. I was proud of myself because I think I handled things in a pretty healthy way. I talked about it...I cried about it...I stayed in bed for a couple of days...and then little by little, things got better.
On a brighter note....I finally hit my 100 pound weight loss mark back in April. That was big. It took me just under a year. The progress has been slow since then, but I'm still hanging in there. My next big milestone is when I hit the weight that it says on my driver's license. Do you know how sad that is to lose over 100 lbs and still not weigh what it says on your driver's license? How does that happen? My picture now looks nothing like me....but the weight almost matches. Weird.
On an even brighter note....I actually had a real date tonight. I'd like to say how great it was...and how I hope there will be more....but I accidentally gave him my blog address, so how much can I admit? I'll just say that it's refreshing to think that maybe there really are a few nice guys out there, and maybe I've actually met one, and maybe he's even interested in me too. All these things remain to be confirmed....but I'm hopeful, and that's a nice place to be.
Yay for the date! Yay for almost matching your drivers license!
Can't wait to see you in August...
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