Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Recurring dreams

I used to have a recurring dream. It's been a few years since I've had it, (that I remember) but I had it again last night. There are some variations to the dream. Either I'm in an elevator of a large building and I can't get the elevator to stop on the floor that I want. Or I might be in a large hotel or cruise ship and I can't find my room...or I might find my room, but I don't have a key...stuff like that. Last night's dream was the hotel version. I was with friends and we were splitting up to freshen up in our rooms and then meet up again. The hotel was large, but I did manage to find my room. When I got there, however, I didn't have a key. To make matters worse, there were lots of people in the hallway waiting for rooms. Some of these people had staked a claim on my room, but luckily, they didn't have a key either. Someone finally opened the room, and I proved that my stuff was already in there, so the other people backed off. I still didn't have a key though, so I couldn't leave the room. Then, my dead aunt Viola showed up to share the room with me. Also, even though my mom wasn't in the dream, I ended up with her purse and suitcase to watch over. To make matters worse, when it came time to meet up with my friends again, of course I didn't know their room numbers, and couldn't figure out how to use the hotel phone to call them.

Weird, huh? Parts of the dream I understand. I think the basic theme must be wanting something I can't get to, and even though overall, my life is in a pretty good place right now, I think I have some idea as to why this dream is showing up again now. Parts of the dream make no sense to me whatsoever, though. Like what in the heck does my dead aunt Viola represent? That puzzles me. I really wasn't that close to her, and I don't think she's ever shown up in one of my dreams before. I can't figure that one out.

I realize I take a risk in posting a dream. Someone out there who understands dreams is probably reading this going...."Wow...this person REALLY has issues!" Maybe they will clue me in on what they are.


Blogger Sara Z. said...

I love hearing about other people's dreams! I have a lot of recurring ones, too.

2:30 PM, July 05, 2006  

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