Wednesday, January 04, 2006


I'm not much of a believer in resolutions. I think it's because I'm just a little too rebellious to conform to what's expected. Like right now, I can't take all the weight loss commercials. I hate it because I'VE been losing weight since June, and I don't want people to think I'm just on the New Year's weight loss band wagon. It almost makes me want to eat, just to be different. But I won't. I'll find some other way to express my rebel side.

There is something about a new year that makes one want to reflect and think about change. So, here are some changes I've been thinking about. Not resolutions mind you....just changes.
1) I want to be less of a pack-rat. I think there is something about getting rid of the old to make room for the new. I could use some new in my life. That is...something besides new shoes and new clothes. I'd like some new adventures.
2) I want to do more with my little nieces and nephews. They are all so fun and adorable, and I love my time with them so much. There will be many more slumber parties in my future.
3) I want to live more intentionally and creatively. I'm not totally sure what that means yet, but I've got a few ideas that hopefully I'll talk more about as time goes on.
4) I want to actually read some of the books on my Library Thing list.

Now, here is a change that I wanted to make, that I'm not so sure how it's working out. I decided my bed was becoming a little more like a media center than a sleeping place. I watch TV in bed....I read in bed...I listen to music in bed...and I use my laptop in bed. I was thinking maybe I would sleep better if I actually dedicated my bed to sleeping. So, my solution was to move my little computer desk that I had set up right next to my bed, to a location across the room. Now, if I want to check my e-mail in the middle of the night, I actually have to get out of bed to do it. I feel pretty weird with my computer that far away though. I don't seem to be blogging as much or writing as many e-mails. It's just too inconvenient. So, I don't know. The computer desk may return to where it was. Right now, the desk is across the room, but the laptop is in bed with me. I'm not sure what the point of that is. Oh well....I tried.


Blogger Unknown said...

I have instituted the "no media" rule in my bedroom. I do have a stereo in my bedroom, but that's only on in the morning while I get dressed. My bedroom has become a quiet, restful room and I love it!

8:44 AM, January 05, 2006  
Blogger Susan B said...

Hmmm....maybe I'll have to not give up on my plan yet. I know it's a good idea....but you know...change is usually not fun. *sigh* I'll TRY to keep the laptop out of my bed. I'm not moving the TV out yet though.

3:23 PM, January 05, 2006  
Blogger Sara Z. said...

Yeah, if my room were set up like yours, I would never get out of bed but never sleep, either.

6:27 PM, January 05, 2006  
Blogger Cyndi Philkill said...

Hey, I finally figured this blog thing out... and don't give up on that plan of yours.

4:39 PM, January 06, 2006  

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