Friday, December 30, 2005

Would this be totally lame?

Yesterday I decided to forego the 15 and walk to work, in an attempt to pay for my sins over the holidays. As I was walking by the Ogden (a small concert venue nearby) I noticed a concert bill in the window for Constantine Maroulis of American Idol fame. Anyone who knows me, knows that I've always had a thing for long haired boys, so you can imagine that I was a big fan of Bo, Constantine and Anwar last season. I did think that Constantine got a little full of himself before he got booted, but he was still pretty cute. So, my question is, is it wrong to go see someone's show just because you think he's cute? Are you supposed to get over that when you're 14? Would you go? Would you admit to it? And...I wonder who else I could get to invest the twenty bucks to go with me. I really haven't heard any of his music except what was on the show, but with titles like "Rich B*itch" and "SomeofMyF*ckedUpWorld" I'm sure it's worth a listen. Also, the band has released both an explicit lyrics and a clean lyrics version of their CD. What nice guys! I just wonder how you do a song like "SomeofMyF*ckedUpWorld" with clean lyrics.

In other news...things are going quite well with my new barista. I think I love him, even though I don't even know his name. I know what hours he works, and unfortunately, I have to wait until 11am to get my coffee now. Oh well....its worth it. One of my clients just gave me some Starbuck's cards, so it looks like the relationship can continue.


Blogger Sara Z. said...

Constantine gave me the major creeps. I had to look away whenever he performed during AI. But you do what you need to do. The heart wants what the heart wants!

7:16 PM, December 30, 2005  

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