Saturday, January 07, 2006

Blog Glitches

I finally started telling people about my blog, and people kept telling me that they were reading it, but couldn't figure out how to post to it. Come on people! It's not that hard. I figured it out! So, in spending time telling all my friends how they could get accounts so that they could post to my blog, three of my friends who were pretty clueless about blogging, have actually started blogs of their OWN.....and the best part very own friends are now commenting on MY blog. That's not to say that Sara Z, and the SLC Urban Princess aren't my very own friends...they are...but now my longtime friends are posting...which is great.

But....I didn't KNOW they were posting, because for some reason, I'm not getting the e-mail notification anymore. Anyone else having this problem? I need to know when someone posts so that I can immediately drop everything and read it.

Also, I don't think the Library Thing is working right. My random books seem to be staying the same for a long time. longtime these things just happen and fix themselves? Or do I need to do something to fix it?

Anway...welcome to my new blog friends. Hopefully your blogs will give me many more glorious hours of time wasting at work!


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